
10月25日晚6点,我院英语俱乐部成立仪式在北校区学术报告厅隆重举行。院长王荣昌、副院长周厚才、院长助理、组织部、统战部部长程巍、国际贸易系党总支书记韩淑君、经济管理系党总支书记贾贵贞、团委书记李欣、国际贸易系党政办公室主任崔玉东、公共外语部党总支书记、主任王进军、副主任徐萌及教研室主任、俱乐部指导老师、外教Sander 和Paul出席了成立仪式。


   目前俱乐部下设话剧社团、演讲与主持社团、疯狂英语社团和babysinger歌唱团。各社团主要成员分别介绍了自己的社团,并带来了各具特色的节目。精彩的表演赢得全场师生的喝彩,掀起了本场晚会的一次次高潮。外教Sander和Paul热情地跟同学们互动,并给大家提出很多学好英语的小建议;作为优秀学长代表,曾在第三届全国高职高专英语写作大赛荣获一等奖、山东省第八届高职高专实用英语口语大赛中荣获二等奖的易菲同学,以及在第五届全国职业院校外贸技能竞赛商务口语大赛荣获一等奖的祝英涵同学,和大家分享了学习英语的心得和体会。仪式期间,现场嘉宾为英语应用能力-“金脑子”词汇大赛获奖同学颁奖。成立仪式上出席嘉宾的发言使同学们在如何学好英语方面受益匪浅,精彩纷呈的节目演出也为同学们带来了一场丰盛的英语文化盛宴。最后,在优美的歌曲《We Are All in This Together》中,本次英语俱乐部成立仪式圆满落下帷幕。


The Opening Ceremony of the English Club Held

Date:2012-10-30 from:College English Department

At 6:00 p.m. on October 25th, a grand opening ceremony of the English Club was held in the Lecture Hall of North Campus. The college leaders and relevant teachers attended it.

After the dynamic dance, President Wang Rongchang delivered a speech and announced the establishment of the English Club. He also made sincere expectation of all the students and hoped they could actively participate in the colorful English activities to improve English.; Han Shujun, the Party Committee Secretary of International Trade Department, also illustrated the importance of English from the perspective of job hunting; Besides, Wang Jinjun, Dean of College English Department, made a brief introduction on the purpose, the function and the goal of the English Club; he was committed to contributing to the campus culture, intimate teacher-student relationship and English teaching reform.

Currently, the English Club consists of English Drama Society, English Public Speaking Society, Crazy English Society as well as Babysinger Music Society. On the opening ceremony, the heads of each society introduced briefly about the above four societies. In addition, the fabulous performances were also well received by the faculty and students. Sander and Paul, two foreign teachers of our college, interacted with students actively and proposed many constructive suggestions on how to learn English; Yi Fei, the first prize winner of the Third National English Writing Contest and the second prize winner of the Eighth National Practical English Speaking Contest, Zhu Yinghan, the first prize winner of the Business English Speaking Contest in the Fifth National Foreign Trade Skills Competition of Vocational college students, shared their English learning experiences. On the opening ceremony, the winners in the “Golden Brain” Vocabulary Contest were also announced and awarded. The speech from honored guests and the fantastic performance from students brought a wonderful English banquet for everyone. In the end, the ceremony was concluded in the song of “We Are All in This Together”

With the support of the Youth League Committee, College English Department aims to establish a platform--- the English Club--- for English fans to learn English, share English and practice English. Currently, the number of registered members has reached 350, and regular activities have been conducted by the subordinate four societies under the professional guidance of the teachers from College English Department.

As an academic club, the English club will gradually hold academic and interesting activities; it tries to involve more students in these after-class activities, which enables them to improve English and enjoy the great time in the English world.

山东外贸职业学院公共英语部College English Department

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